Understanding The Importance of IT Security

The Importance of IT Security

The five most efficient cyber defenders are Anticipation, Education, Detection, Reaction, and Resilience.

Stephane Nappo

Each door in your house serves a purpose. The main door usually has the most locks to ensure that intruders don’t enter. The room doors usually have bolts or latches as an extra measure of protection and privacy. Think of your IT network like a house. You wouldn’t want an intruder to get in, and even if they do, you wouldn’t want them to access any sensitive information or gain control of systems that can cause your business harm.

What is IT Security?

IT security, also known as information security or infosec, refers to the processes put in place by security experts to prevent unauthorised access to and disruption, modification, or destruction of your business’ data.

Back in the day, installing basic antivirus software and firewalls was enough to ensure that your business was secure. But the main security measures that companies once took have become outdated. As cyberattack risks grow exponentially in this day and age, businesses must be educated about the importance of IT security and be prepared with detailed strategies to counter any potential threats.

With the introduction of various cybersecurity regulations globally, IT security is no longer an aspect that businesses of any size can overlook. As social engineering scams, like in the case of WannaCry, and high-profile phishing attacks, as in the case of Canva, have proven, your organisation must always have efficient IT security strategies in place. Think of it this way— if hackers penetrate your IT network, does your company have the right IT security strategies in place to fend them off and prevent serious damage?

Why IT Security is Important

Sensitive information, for any business, is one of its biggest assets. Any damage caused to your data can result in a chain of disasters. It can, sometimes irreversibly, damage your brand image, impact business trading, lead to fines and penalties in the case of consumer data theft, see your future plans or strategies being leaked, and much more.

Having rigid IT security infrastructure in place can ensure that your company navigates through these cyber threats while maintaining its integrity. Here are some ways in which holistic IT security can help your business:

  1. Manage and Mitigate Business Risks
    A cyber breach into your IT infrastructure can mean that corporate information, intellectual property and various closely guarded business secrets are at risk. The risks, however, are not just limited to data. Cyberattacks can also disrupt business trading and can damage systems or software, preventing access to customer profiles, and much more.

    With a competent IT security service provider like Solid Systems on your side, you can rest assured that your business is shielded from potential risk and has safeguards against all types of cyberattacks. Our line of defence is so solid that even if hackers manage to breach your IT infrastructure, they won’t be able to cause any serious damage.

  2. Avoid Regulatory Fines
    The Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have seen an increase in businesses protecting their customers’ and employees’ sensitive information. With the rise in cybercrimes, following these regulations has become essential in ensuring that the personal information your company stores is protected. It is necessary to comply with these regulations to protect their consumers’ privacy and data, and to protect yourself from penalties.

    Not complying with data breach laws like POPI and GDPR can see your business facing regulatory fines, especially if the data becomes impacted by a cyberattack. Businesses need to secure their IT infrastructures, but they often don’t know where to start. This is where an established IT security services provider like Solid Systems can help protect your company from fines or penalties imposed by regulatory bodies.

  3. Protect your Brand Image
    IT security is a crucial element in building and maintaining your brand image in the 21st century. Consumers have grown more aware of data and privacy protection policies over the last decade. Most consumers only trust brands that have high-end IT security measures in place.

    For instance, the infamous Equifax data breach made some major dents in the company’s brand image. They spent over $1.4 billion in damage control and rebuilding their brand image by transforming their technology infrastructure and upgrading their network, data, and app security.

    Businesses today need to fool proof their IT security infrastructure to ensure that attacks like these don’t happen to them. After all, a brand’s image is responsible for its success.

Smart IT Security Solutions from Solid Systems

So many people ask, “What is Information Security and why is it important?” Hopefully this article has given you a bit of insight into the answers. Now you might feel like it’s time to start building up an IT security infrastructure on your own. But you don’t have to go it alone. Using the services of experts in the field is a much better approach. Since 2003, Solid Systems has been providing exceptional IT solutions with an established team of IT pros experienced in data security and reliable customer communication and support.

Our services include email security, identity and access management, and much more. Plus, we have a proven track record in backup and disaster recovery, cybersecurity and risk management, and end-to-end IT support. Solid Systems is your one-stop shop for high-end IT security solutions. Contact us today to learn more.

Michael Claxton

Michael Claxton

Co-Founder and CEO of Solid Systems | I am a father of two, and a mentor of many. My calm focus makes me a natural leader, both in and out the office, and I have a unique skill in nurturing leadership qualities in others as well. But most of all, I understand the true value of time and the ways that technology can optimise efficiency within a business and see humans making the most of the time available to them, both in terms of productivity, and in terms of personal growth. 

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