Which SaaS Solutions Should Your Company Invest In?

SaaS Solutions for your business

Saas Solutions have undoubtedly helped businesses function better. Without them companies would need to invest in developers, who would be forced to spend years developing and deploying software. This would be on top of the time your internal IT team would spend installing the software on each device, running updates and supporting users. 

With the introduction of SaaS, companies don’t have to install, deploy, support or maintain software on their own, allowing them to save valuable time and money. It also helps reduce the risk associated with operating software and enables small IT teams to use professional support from experts to ensure seamless integration. This makes SaaS a perfect ready-to-use solution.

One classic example is Microsoft 365. It offers easy access to multiple apps from any device over the internet, enabling you to share files and collaborate with your colleagues in real-time. With tools like this available, it’s no surprise that the demand for SaaS solutions for business continues to grow.

Top 5 SaaS Solutions Every Business Must Embrace

You might have read a lot about SaaS solutions and the benefits they offer. But how do you know which solution is the best for your company? 

We’ve put together the top five SaaS solutions that can help any business:

  1. Office Productivity Software:
    Yes, we’ve all heard how unproductive meetings at the workplace can be. We’ve made jokes about it, frowned upon it, and endured them unwillingly. But why do they still happen? Time is money – it should be used to get productive tasks done.


    That doesn’t mean that you should spend hours or days on one task – that wouldn’t be productive either! Rather, businesses should make use of the effective productivity software out there to improve efficiency and increase revenue.

    Microsoft 365 is, without any debate, the leading productivity software available for businesses. Its biggest strength is that it helps teams to access the files that they need, and collaborate on them in real-time, irrespective of where they are in the world. Employees stay productive whether they work in an office or from home, without compromising your company’s data security.

    When you opt for Microsoft 365 as a SaaS solution, you also enjoy benefits like flexible payment terms, dedicated account management, an onboarding team to help you make the switch, and more. 

  2. Communication Software:
    The pandemic-induced remote working culture has forced businesses to take a second look at their communication channels. Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were worried about moving to remote working because they didn’t have communication and collaboration tools in place. Companies that had deployed SaaS solutions like Microsoft Teams before the pandemic, on the other hand, could make the switch easily.


    If the initial days of lockdown didn’t see you investing in a communication solution, you’re in for a treat when you start to understand Microsoft Teams’ benefits for your business!

    From helping your teams to communicate and collaborate, to building and supporting company culture, to task management, Microsoft Teams acts as a single console to get work done. Apart from its chat and video call functionality, secure file sharing, calendar management, and in-app document views, it even allows you to integrate other apps offered by third-party vendors to customise your experience and suit your company’s needs. This makes it the most popular communication software for any business.

  3. File Sync and Share: Gone are the days when you had to work on a document, email it to another recipient, wait for them to edit and send it back to you, only for the process to start all over again with the next revisions. Let’s not forget the times that we had to carry our laptops, and all its accessories, everywhere we went, or wait until we could access our desktops to work on a particular file. Thanks to Microsoft, that’s no longer the case.


    Businesses need flexibility to operate effectively in today’s world. Different employees find that different environments help them to work efficiently and improve their productivity. And that’s what Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive offer – comprehensive collaboration tools that can be used by several individuals or teams  simultaneously, on the device that they find works best for them, and whatever environment they find themselves in.

    While people often think of OneDrive and SharePoint as being one and the same, they cater to two different business needs. Both are used for storing documents, but where OneDrive is great for putting together drafts and accessing personal files, SharePoint is perfect for sharing data, information and files with people working on that particular project — creating multiple customised microsites for teams.

  4. Cloud Storage: Many businesses, both large and small are still using on-premise storage, and are missing out on the benefits that cloud storage offers. Microsoft’s Azure storage solutions help businesses to save their data on the cloud safely and securely.


    As all data on Azure is encrypted, it’s safeguarded against cyber threats. You can also choose to replicate your stored information across multiple geographical data centres so that your business can continue uninterrupted, even in the unlikely event of a regional outage.

    Microsoft Azure data is easily accessible through a management control panel, and you can get complete support in terms of maintenance, updates, and more.

  5. Cloud Collaboration: Cloud collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams and Whiteboard help businesses to communicate and collaborate in a fun and efficient way. While we have already covered the benefits of using Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Whiteboard does exactly what its name suggests – allows your team members to draw or write on a digital whiteboard. This tool will enable you to visualise your thoughts and explain points better during meetings, and make them available to everyone involved afterwards. If you are already using Microsoft Teams, Whiteboard makes for a great addition to the work process.

Why Should You Consider Solid Systems for Software as a Service? 

At Solid Systems, we work with you to find the simplified and helpful solutions that your business needs when it comes to SaaS and IT services. Our approach is personalised, scalable at any given point, and effective. 

As a service provider, we help you with all the technical, manual tasks that an internal IT department would cover, while focusing on the essential revenue-generating areas that will help your business grow. Our dedicated IT pros help you offer incredible work experiences for your teams, and help them provide exceptional customer service to your clients in turn. 

We believe in building relationships and working with businesses to find solutions that will help them grow, rather than simply providing a service. If you think that SaaS solutions might be right for your company, get in touch to partner with us today.

Michael Claxton

Michael Claxton

Co-Founder and CEO of Solid Systems | I am a father of two, and a mentor of many. My calm focus makes me a natural leader, both in and out the office, and I have a unique skill in nurturing leadership qualities in others as well. But most of all, I understand the true value of time and the ways that technology can optimise efficiency within a business and see humans making the most of the time available to them, both in terms of productivity, and in terms of personal growth.